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Genealogical Presentations
Current Speaking Schedule
Sep 2022 - British Columbia Genealogical Society Anniversary Cruise.A Smattering of Past Speaking Engagements
19 Sep 2015 (Sat), 9:00am - 4:00 pm - Skagit County Genealogical Society, Mount Vernon (with Jill Morelli). Topics: Researching in Newspapers & Google and Its Genealogy Tools.
7-8 Aug 2016 (Sun/Mon), IAJGS Conference, Seattle. Topics: Can You Help Me Find My Cousins? Understanding Autosomal DNA, Using Social Media for Genealogy: Why Bother?, and Google and Its Genealogy Tools.
23 Sep 2016 (Fri), 1:15pm - Ancestry Days, Tacoma. Topic: Tracing People Through Time & Space Using Timelines.
6 March 2017 (Mon), 7:00-9:00pm - Jewish Genealogical Society of the Conejo Valley and Ventura County, Thousand Oaks, CA. Topic: Google and Its Tools for Genealogists. Google & Its Genealogy Tools.
10-11 March 2017 (Fri/Sat) - Victoria LDS Family History Fair, Victoria, British Columbia. Topics: Can You Help Me Find My Cousins? Understanding Autosomal DNA and Social Media for Family History: Why Bother?
1 Apr 2017 (Sat), Full-day seminar - Eastern Washington Genealogical Society, Spokane. Topics: DNA Fundamentals and mtDNA Testing; Y-DNA Testing and Its Applications to Genealogy; Can You Help Me Find My Cousins? Using Autosomal DNA for Family History; and Using Your Results, GEDmatch & Other Third-Party Tools.
21 Oct 2017 (Sat), Full-day seminar - Clallam County Genealogical Society, Port Angeles, WA. Topics: Preparing for a Research Trip; Social Media for Family History: Why Bother?; FamilySearch Wiki: Your 24/7 Research Partner; and FamilySearch: Advanced Family Tree.
7 Apr 2018 (Sat), British Columbia Genealogical Society Seminar, Vancouver, BC. Topics: Can You Help Me Find My Cousins? Using atDNA for Genealogy and I've Had My DNA Tested... Now What?
21 Sep 2019 (Sat), 10:00-11:30am - Jefferson County Genealogical Society, Chimacum, WA. Topic: War of 1812 Pensions: A Gold Mine!
11-12 Oct 2019 (Fri-Sat), 7:00pm Fri; beginning 9:00am Sat - Yakima Valley Genealogical Society Fall Workshop, Yakima, WA. Topics: (Fri) I've Had My DNA Tested... Now What? and (Sat) How Do I Know That's Right? Evaluating Genealogical Evidence and Finding and Using Church Records.
14 Oct 2019 (Mon), 1:30-3:30pm - Whatcom County Genealogical Society, Bellingham, WA. Topic: FamilySearch Wiki: Your 24/7 Research Partner.
15 Oct 2019(Tues), 1:00-3:00pm - Whidbey Island Genealogical Society, Oak Harbor, WA. Topic: From Matches in a List to Family: Case Studies in DNA.
18 Oct 2019 (Fri), 10:00am-12:00oon - Bainbridge Island Genealogical Society, Bainbridge Island, WA. Topic: From Matches in a List to Family: Case Studies in DNA.
19 Oct 2019 (Sat), 9:00am-4:30pm - Surrey BC Finding Your Roots Conference, Surrey, BC. Topics: FamilySearch Wiki: Your 24/7 Research Partner, Tracing People Through Time and Space Using Timelines, and From Matches in a List to Family: Case Studies in DNA.
2 Nov 2019 (Sat), Full-Day Seminar, "From Matches in a List to Family," Clallam County Genealogical Society, Sequim, WA.
4 Nov 2019 (Mon), 6:00-8:00pm, Heritage Quest Research Library, Sumner, WA. Topic: How Do I Know That's Right? Evaluating Genealogical Evidence.
13 Nov 2019 (Wed), 10:00am-12:00pm, Fiske Genealogical Library, Seattle, WA. Topic: DNA Workshop: Third Party Tools for DNA.
14 Nov 2019 (Thurs), 7:00-8:30pm - Eastside Genealogical Society, Bellevue, WA. Topic: I've Had My DNA Tested... Now What?.
16 Nov 2019 (Sat), 10:00am-12:00pm - Snohomish Public Library, Snohomish, WA. Topic: How Do I Know That's Right? Evaluating Genealogical Evidence.Various lectures available:
- DNA Topics:
- Maternal & Paternal Lines: Using Y-DNA and mtDNA in Genealogy
- Can You Help Me Find My Cousins? Using Autosomal DNA
- I've Had My DNA Tested... Now What?
- From Matches in a List to Family: Case Studies in DNA [NOTE: Assumes attendees have a basic knowledge of DNA concepts]
- FamilySearch Topics:
- Getting to Know FamilySearch.org
- FamilySearch: Family Tree Basics
- FamilySearch: Advanced Family Tree
- FamilySearch Wiki: Your 24/7 Research Partner
- Methodology:
- Beginning Genealogy - Where Do I Start?
- Planning and Preparing for a Research Trip
- Tracing People Through Time & Space Using Timelines
- Citing Sources and Citations
- How Do I Know That's Right? Evaluating Genealogical Evidence
- Finding Jewish Ancestors
- Technology:
- Google and Its Genealogy Tools
- Using Social Media for Family History: Why Bother?
- Records:
- Records, Records Everywhere! How Can They Help Me?
- Finding and Using Church Records
- Naturalization and Ship's Lists
- Researching in Historical Newspapers
- War of 1812 Pensions: A Gold Mine!
- Jewish Genealogical Research
Though I realize it would be a rare society event that would occur on Sunday, I cannot accept a speaking engagement on a Sunday.
Fee range is negotiable. $125 will be charged for established societies. $0-124 will be charged for societies that are new, smaller, or struggling to become established. Expenses, such as hotel and travel expenses (gas, ferry, etc.), are an additional charge. I am willing to appear in all regions of Washington State and beyond.
Fee does not include handouts. I will send a master copy set that the society can reproduce for the meeting and then retain the set for their file library.
Technical requirements:
- For Internet-based lectures, a good WiFi connection
- Projector with HDMI connection
- Screen
- Audio equipment if venue/society requires it
This site last updated Saturday, 04-Sep-2021 11:56:07 EDT.
Copyright © 1998-2022 by Mary Kathryn Kozy
Questions or comments?